Rev. Dr. John Titaley

Rev. Dr. John Titaley
Rev. John Titaley, Th.D. is currently a full professor at the Graduate Program in Religion and Nationalism at Universitas Kristen Indonesia Maluku (UKIM) in Ambon, Indonesia. Before, he was teaching at Graduate Program in Sociology of Religion at Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana (UKSW) in Salatiga, Indonesia.
His interest in observing religious issues in Indonesia, a pluralistic society, where religion had played significant role was met by his studies at Graduate Theological Union (GTU), Berkeley in the inter-area studies where he combines social historical approach to the Old Testament and social-scientific studies of religions.
Trying to prepare the future leaderships of religious communities of various religious backgrounds was his main objective is his calling. He strongly believes that the future of the country relies in the inter-religious collaborations of religious institutions. He has been strongly supports students of various religious backgrounds to study, live and work together in his teaching career.