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Jan 81 min read
Embracing Tradition: Tiffany Parks’ Reflections on Chanukah
Tiffany Parks’ Chanukah reflections inspire us to embrace traditions as a source of strength and unity in challenging times.

Oct 23, 20243 min read
What is Bageling? Chana Explains the Fun and Cultural Importance of This Jewish Custom
Chana explains the cultural custom of 'Bageling,' where Jews use specific words to subtly identify each other in daily interactions.

Oct 1, 20243 min read
Celebrating Dr. Darius and Vera Swann: Honoring a Legacy of Mission & Civil Rights
Join us in honoring Dr. Darius and Vera Swann at the Swann Gala, celebrating their pioneering missionary work, civil rights advocacy

Oct 1, 20243 min read
The Historic ITC, an Atlanta HBCU, Charts an Exciting Future with Dr. Maisha Handy
NOTE:Â In the following section, Urban Missiology expresses appreciation for the leadership of Dr. Maisha Handy, who will begin a new...

Oct 1, 20244 min read
Celebrating UM Board Members: Promoting Change and Dynamic Transformation
Rev. Dr. Moses Woodruff, Rev. Dr. Wanda Lundy, and others on the UM board continue to shape communities with impactful work

Sep 16, 20242 min read
A heartfelt prayer for peace in Israel and Palestine, calling for justice, compassion, and reconciliation across divided lands.

Sep 16, 20244 min read
Israel and Palestine – Do Imams and Rabbis cry?
Exploring the tears and empathy of imams and rabbis for all victims of violence, regardless of their faith.

Sep 16, 20242 min read
African Methodist Episcopal Church calls for endto all US aid to Israel
The AME Church calls for the U.S. to end all aid to Israel, condemning the Gaza military campaign as "mass genocide."

Sep 10, 20244 min read
With George Floyd in mind, Bible co-editors created the Breathe Life Bible
The Breathe Life Bible, co-edited by Michele Clark Jenkins & Stephanie Perry Moore, offers a roadmap for faith in action, inspired by George
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