Welcome to the Community Corner
Discover monthly curated resources that support the heart, mind, body, and soul, focusing on areas like education, justice, and community well-being.
Our Mission
Community Corner is your go-to space for diverse, inclusive resources that address the vital concerns of our community:
Children, Youth & Family Education
Social & Environmental Justice Education
Public Life & Civic Engagement
Intercultural & Anti-Racism Education
Mental Health, Wellness & Disabilities
Understanding AI Challenges for Seniors
Each month, we offer resources that align with these critical areas. Our collection is aimed at nurturing your personal growth and strengthening the fabric of our community.
View some sample titles below
Submit Your Community Corner Resource Suggestions
Use the form to contribute resource suggestions during the 1st to 3rd weeks of each month. After review, approved suggestions will be featured in next month's post. When submitting your resource please be sure to include the following:
Name of Resource
How does this resource align with the mission of Community Corner by UM
Website of resource
Cover art